An adaptogen essential oil can either stimulate or relax your nervous system depending on what your body needs. So adaptogen essential oils help the body to adapt to external stress and normalize bodily function. Not all essential oils have this duo personality. Here are the adaptogenic essential oils to reach for if you are unsure of what your body or mind may need.

LAVENDER is a universal oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. If in doubt, use lavender. It has calming, sedative, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. My most go to essential oil to put in a blend is Lavender.
LEMON promotes clarity of thought, and invigorates. Studies find it boosts immunity, helps with relaxation and reduces depression.
PEPPERMINT purifies and stimulates the conscious mind. It also improves mental accuracy
BERGAMOT helps relieve anxiety and lifts your mood.
GINGER is gentle and stimulating to help boost energy level.
It helps with physical energy and courage.
CEDAR WOOD stimulates the limbic brain, the part of the brain which is the center of our emotions. It stimulates the pineal gland which increases melatonin. It is calming and purifying.
ORANGE is uplifting, it induces relaxation, reduces depression and helps boost immunity.

A blend to create a super adaptive boost would be to combine three of these essential oils together. For example, combine Lavender, Lemon and Bergamot.
Another way to incorporate these adaptogen essential oils is to know exactly what you need to address and make a blend with that one particular essential oil to address your need and add one of more adaptogen essential oils to that blend boosting the effectiveness of your blend. For example, you are experiencing grief, sadness or loss you can make a blend containing your pick of essential oils known to address those certain issues you are experiencing along with the adaptogen essential oil.
Knowing that Rose, Chamomile, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Frankincense, or Cinnamon essential oils help with grief use any one of these oils to make a blend and add one or two adaptogenic essential oils to your blend.
A diffuser blend that I would put together to address grief during sleep at bedtime would be:
4 drops Chamomile
10 drops Lavender
5 drops Bergamot
5 drops Orange

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