Here is an ANTI INFLAMMATION drink you can make courtesy of
Niece Leonor Pacheco from Instagram.
1 organic piece of ginger (a large hand size piece with all the fingers)
8-9 pieces of organic turmeric
1 whole fresh organic pineapple
3 small organic lemons
1/2 tablespoon organic cayenne powder
4 cups water
Put the ginger and turmeric in a bath of vinegar and baking soda for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse.
To a high speed blender add the 4 cups of water, peeled cubed fresh pineapple, ginger, turmeric, whole lemons cut in fourths, cayenne powder.
Blend. Strain the juice to get the pulp out.
Take 1 to 2 shots a day.
Refrigerate enough for the week and freeze the rest.
A good way to store the juice is in an ice cube tray and freeze. Take a couple out each day to drink.