*Bergamot – helps to reestablish the feeling of self love, cleanse feelings of despair and ignites self confidence.
*Jasmine – reignites passion and purpose for life.
*Neroli – helps us stay in the present moment. Cut the cord to old baggage that doesn’t serve us anymore.

***Make a perfume roll on with Neroli to help stay present and not keep falling back into the old past. In a 10ml rollerball container with lid, add 30 drops ofessential oil along with organic fractionated coconut oil. Use a small funnel to add the coconut oil to fill the roller ball container. Snap in the roller ball and close it with the lid. Roll it all over your body.

Adding some Jasmine is a nice blend with the Neroli.

Add 10 drops of Jasmine essential oil and 20 drops of Neroli essential oil.

*Basil – decision oil helping us to stick with a decision. Helps to restore the bodies sleep cycle.
Peppermint – helps to stay on the surface of emotional issues, stimulating the mind, body and spirit.

***Sage – 4 drops rose and 2 drops of sage. Help to develop wisdom to let go and move on.
*Ylang Ylang – connects with the heart to let go of pent up feelings. Reconnect to the power of joy and gratitude to raise your frequency.
*Myrrh – maternal oil, nourishing, helps build trust and release feelings of being unsafe.
*Melissa – brings enthusiasm for life and living. Release low vibrations, and the feeling of being overwhelmed.
*Thyme – assists with finding and dealing with toxic emotions. Move forward leaving emotional pain behind.

*Rose – a very high frequency oil helping to bring the divine into our heart to connect and accept who we really are.
*Geranium – assists in creating strong bonds with the people in our life. Helps us to love ourselves and heal any emotional wounds. Creates an open heart resulting in unconditional love for ourself.
*Cedarwood – lets us know we are not alone, to experience strength and joy from friends and enable us to stand in our own power.
*Orange – releases anxiety in order to connect with love and support, creativity and playfulness.
*Helichrysum – helps with emotional and spiritual pain strengthening to help with transformation of the soul. Gives courage to move past all the blocked emotions.

*Geranium – create trust to help heal a broken heart, allowing love to flow more freely.
*Lavender – honest communication, inner expression.
*Juniper – helps with things that don’t feel real like fear of the dark, nightmares. Learning the true reality of the situation.
*Patchouli – helps with being in the present moment. Helps with obsessive thinking. Grounds and stabilizes by calming in the presents of fear.
*Vetiver – aides in being grounded to earth, helping harness scattered energy reeling it back in. Helps create self awareness.

*Marjoram – helps create better connections to develop healthy coping skills. Creates bonds with other people or animals for better social situations. Helps us connect to the present moment.
*Ginger – release the victim in us. Help accept the truth or reality of a situation.
*Fennel – an essence of feeling strong and powerful. Handle situations better with a higher insight of the true reality. Connect with an understanding in order to release guilt.
*Roman Chamomile – quiets an overactive mind. Aides in determining what you need to do to live with the current reality of things.
*Cardamom – balance, mental focus, helps digest emotions that are trapped in the body creating peace and contentment.

HELPING THE HEART RHYTHM – can be emotional or physical
*Cypress – vasoconstrictor, diuretic and antispasmodic. Soothes and calms the nervous system.
*Goldenrod – great oil to support the cardiovascular system, especially for tachycardia or arrhythmia.
*Lavender – may help lower B/P, palpitations of the heart, helps to deal with psychological stress.
*Ylang Ylang – sedative effect on B/P and pulse, palpitations may slow down and or rapid breathing.
*Melissa – anti inflammatory, calming to the heart beat.

BREATHING – take a deep breath to oxygenate our cells and calm the mind.
*Frankincense – helps to slow down and deepen our breathing.
*Eucalyptus – sensation of increased air flow into the body, stimulate the nerve endings that help to remove respiratory congestion. Enhances the breath function by helping with the uptake of oxygen by the red blood cells.
*Rosemary – cuts through the hard stuff in our life, helps to promote circulation.
*Marjoram – helps with involuntary muscles in the body, may help with spasms, (lungs heart) anti microbial properties, may help with high B/P.
*Ravintsara – immune stimulating effect and expectorant, antiviral. Blends well with peppermint and bay laurel for increased enjoyment of life.

STRESS – can greatly effect our heart function
*Bergamot – great to blend with other citrus oils. Try as an anti depressant effect and may be useful to reduce blood pressure and pulse rate. May help remove suppressed emotions from the body.
*Clary sage – modulate dopamine pathways which is beneficial for stress, depression, anxiety and nervous tension. Can help restore a weak nervous system. Blends well with Vetiver, Lavender and Patchouli to help with insomnia. Make a linen spray for your sheets before bed.
***In a 2 oz glass spray bottle add 100 drops total of all 4 essential oils and fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water and add 5 drops of any carrier oil.
Shake well and spray. Rinse
*Basil – mental exhaustion, complacency, helps with clarity, strength and balance.
*Roman chamomile – reduce agitation, calms nerves, reduces spasms to ease pain physical and emotional, reduces stress.
*Sandalwood – relaxing effect on the nerves. May help with nervous states that cause headache or insomnia agitations. Reduce the need to overthink constantly in order to foster openness and understanding.

ANXIETY – leads to things going to fast or too high B/P, Pulse, Heart Rates.
*Orange – helps increase the function of the parasympathetic nervous system and decrease the sympathetic (fight, flight or freeze) nervous system. Helps balance that out. Helps us not take things so seriously.
*Valerian – induces sleep so we can heal when we sleep.
*Copaiba – calming and sedating effect on the whole body. Good for digestive tract, helps with nervous exhaustion, depression, stress.

***A helpful cocktail is 2 drops Copaiba, 2 drops Roman Chamomile in 2oz.

Ninxgia Red or any juice. Drink up. Ingesting essential oils also aides in raising 

your frequency. 

*Balsam Fir – promotes motivation and confidence helps to achieve inner strength and unity. Grounding effect.
*Angelica – tonic to the nervous system. Great for fatigue and stress related disorders.

HEARTBREAK – broken heart syndrome does exist.. Must heal the heart.
*Rose – anti depressant and anti anxiety properties may help with high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Brings in the gentleness of the female spirit.
*Geranium – relaxing effect on the heart. Feel strength and security, emotional balance, stability and calm. Can assist with the spirit of rebirth after a traumatic event
*Helichrysum – detoxer for the body. Get rid of stuck Trauma by removing the need to be guarded. Allow yourself to express emotions and feelings.
*Jasmine – promotes deep sleep. Deals with anxiety depression and helps us feel pleasure and affection again.
*Eucalyptus – revives the spirit and increases vitality. Get a greater sense of freedom helping us to respond appropriately to a situation rather than overreacting.

Pick a few oils at a time. Address sleep and it may help with depression and fatigue.
Decide the essential oils in need and then decide how you would like to use them. Diffuse them, spray them, anoint our bodies.
Essential Oils can be detoxifying. Go slow. You may have to switch essential oils up to get the right combination that’s right for what you are really going through. Deep seated emotions are usually not present on the surface. Go slow, change it up.

*JOY Essential Oil Blend is a nice oil to have around containing many of the Essential oils we mentioned above. Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Lemon, Coriander, Tangerine, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa and Rose. 

“Because of the unique direct relationship between emotions and olfaction within the brain, Essential Oils can help unlock stored memories and emotions” (

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