Emphysema is a chronic lung disease characterized by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, coughing and fatigue. We will look at some possibilities that may help make life a little easier when suffering from emphysema.
When it comes to difficulty breathing it makes sense to stay calm and destress.
Let’s first start off with a cup of hot tea, honey and lemon to sip on. Add a pinch of organic cardamom if you like.
Medical News Today by Danielle Dresden. Some teas that are said to be helpful (organic):
Green tea, Chamomile tea, Lemon Balm tea, Linseed tea, Sage tea, Thyme tea, Mallow tea, Rosehip tea, Mint tea.
Next look into some different breathing exercises. This can include Diaphragmatic Breathing which is deep belly breathing. A good way to get started with this is to do some guided meditations. You will kill two birds with one stone by learning how to deeply relax while doing some deep breathing, allowing your body to slow down and destress.
Pranayama, another breathing technique involves yoga and breath regulation.
It is very intentional, inhaling, exhaling and holding your breath in a specific sequence. You can go on YouTube and find many instructors guiding you through the sequence. Also on YouTube you can find the “pocket breath coach” breathing for stress 4-7-8. There is a beautiful ocean background with the ocean sounds and a simple to follow breathing diagram with a sounding gong alerting you when to breath, hold and exhale your breath. Check it out. It is very well done helping to calm anxiety.
Essential oils can be included in several ways.
*Epsom salt bath. In a measuring cup, measure 2 cups Epsom salt and add to that 5 drops Lavender and 5 drops Bergamot. Mix it together and pour it into a running bath. Swish the water to mix thoroughly.
*Diffuse in your favorite diffuser. Some essential oils to help with breathing:
Myrtle, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon, Raven, RC, Orange. Go slow and add only a few drops to the diffuser to see how it is tolerated.
*Make an oil spray to apply to your chest, back, bottom of your feet.
In a 4 oz. dark glass bottle fill with a carrier oil of your choice.
Add to that: 5 drops Lavender, 2 drops Eucalyptus, 5 drops Chamomile.
Shake it to mix.
*Supplements to consider:
CoQ10 (Young Living Cardiogize)
Vitamins D, C, E, A (Young Living has Super D, Super C, Illumineyes contains Vitamin A and E)
Omega fatty acids (OmegaGize)
*Here is an ANTI INFLAMMATION drink you can make courtesy of Niece Leonor Pacheco from Instagram.
1 organic piece of ginger
8-9 pieces of organic turmeric
1 whole fresh organic pineapple
3 small organic lemons
1/2 tablespoon organic cayenne powder
4 cups water
Put the ginger and turmeric in a bath of vinegar and baking soda for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse.
To a high speed blender add the 4 cups of water, peeled cubed fresh pineapple, ginger, turmeric, cut in fourths the lemons, cayenne powder.
Blend. Strain the juice to get the pulp out. Take 1 to 2 shots a day.
A good way to store the juice is in an ice cube tray and freeze. Take a couple out each day to drink.