Wash kale well in cold salt water. Drain. Strip the kale from the stem. Tear into bite size pieces. You can spin them dry in a salad spinner or lay them on a towel to dry out. The dryer the kale, the crisper they will be able to cook up.
Arrange them well spaced on a cookie sheet so they can crisp up.
There are many varieties of oil sprayers, you will need one. Again, Amazon carries just about everything!
For every 1/4 cup of oil you can add:
- 3-4 drops lemon oil
- 1 drop of the stronger oils such as rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil.
It is pretty much up to you to use the oil you love most.
Mix the essential oils in the cooking oil of your choice and put it in your sprayer.
Spray the kale. Use your hands to work the oil into the kale.
Season with salt and pepper.
Bake 270 degrees for 30 minutes. Halfway through cooking time move the kale around so it crisps evenly.
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