2 cups organic red lentils
Handful chopped organic parsley
1 large organic chopped shallot
2 cloves organic garlic
1/2 cup organic walnuts (Terrasoul.com or Amazon)
1 grated organic carrot
1 tbs organic turmeric
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons aqua faba (garbanzo bean liquid)
2 tbs organic tomato paste
Rinse and soak the lentils for 2 hours. They will swell so only measure 2 cups for the recipe.
In a food processor add all the ingredients and blend until smooth.
Refrigerate for 1/2 hours so the burgers will hold together better.
In a skillet add 4 tbs organic olive oil.
Allow it to heat, then turn the heat down so the burgers don’t brown to quickly. They need to cook in the oil and get firm so they don’t fall apart. It’s best to turn them only once. When they are down plate them with the cucumber sauce on top.
3 baby organic cucumbers (cut in small pieces)
1/2 teaspoon organic garlic powder.
1/2 teaspoon organic onion
1 teaspoon organic oregano
1/2 teaspoon pink Himalayan
6 ounces kite Hill sour cream
Mix all ingredients together. This will be the topping on the burgers.