From Dr. Weil’s Self Healing 2014 Annual Edition
Melatonin supplementation may be far more important than just being used as a sleep aide. Studies are showing “Melatonin appears to have much farther-reaching effects on health.” Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle which is governed by light and dark over a 24 hour period.
Supplementation may help insomnia, night shift workers, jet lag, menopausal sleep issues and children with autism and developmental disorders.
What is even more amazing is that a decade of research has identified a number of other benefits of melatonin.
*CANCER. Studies show men and women with low melatonin tend to have higher rates of prostate and breast cancer. Laboratory findings show melatonin to block growth of prostate cancer cells. In mice, a hard-to-treat cancer called triple-negative breast cancer began to shrink after receiving melatonin. Women who saw no improvement from tamoxifen, with melatonin supplementation, showed moderate tumor shrinkage in 28% of those who received it.
*DIABETES. People who secrete lower amounts of melatonin at night are at higher risk for Type 2 diabetes. A study showed those who secreted the least melatonin were more than twice as likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who secreted the most.
*ACID REFLUX. Melatonin may also help relieve symptoms of chronic acid reflux. By taking 5 mg. of melatonin daily this may relieve symptoms of acid reflux. This may work faster and have longer-lasting effects on stomach acid production than proton-pump inhibitor drugs.
*CLUSTER HEADACHES. This very painful type headache may be helped with supplemental melatonin. The jury is still out.
*FIBROMYALGIA. Still on the research table, but melatonin has shown to help with sleep, pain reduction and tenderness of muscles and joints.
*IRRITABLE BOWL SYNDROME. More research is needed on this one, however studies have shown melatonin may improve symptoms.
Melatonin is still in the early stages of research. Scientists are still studying all the possible uses for this safe supplement in different human conditions.
The typical dose for use as a sleep aid was about 2.5 mg.
A higher dose was used for cancer patients, 10-30 mg.
Melatonin, being a safe supplement, may be worth a try not just for sleep.
**Young Living’s SleepEssence is a soothing blend of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils and contains 3.2 mg. of melatonin. 1-2 capsules are suggested 1/2 hour before bedtime. It contains five powerful essential oils that have unique sleep-enhancing properties.
Lavender – renowned for its soothing and relaxing effects on the mind and body.
Vetiver – reduces anxiety, helps depression, restlessness, insomnia, ADD, ADHD.
Ruta – promotes relaxation of body and mind. Helps ease tension, relieve stress, and overcome negative feelings.
Valerian – has been shown to improve sleep quality.
Tangerine – a calming oil helping with occasional nervous irritability.
Relieve all these life’s irritabilities with these wonderful essential oils and let the melatonin finish the job to give a peaceful, restful night sleep.
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