Anyone that has issues with trying to balance their endocrine system knows how difficult a task it could be. I am going to go right to possible natural, alternative ideas to urge a healthy endocrine balance.
Low glycemic.
No packaged, processed food.
Eat whole grains.
Watch for added hormones, antibiotics, GMO’s. (Try to buy organic)
Eat more protein.
Eat enough fat to help hormone balance. (Olive oil, flax seeds, nuts, coconut
products such as oil, butter, manna.)
Eat seaweed. Iodine is crucial for a healthy endocrine and to regulate metabolism.
(Grind up some Kombu seaweed and sprinkle it on your food.) Or take the Young Living Supplements that contain iodine. (See in supplements)
Cook cruciferous veggies so they don’t disrupt the thyroid because they contain
goitrogens. (Substances that suppress thyroid function.)
Eat foods high in antioxidants.
At least 3 days a week for 40 minutes. Simple walking.
Practice yoga to stimulate and support the endocrine system.
Postures to stimulate the thyroid are: shoulder stand, one-legged forward bend,
fish pose, plow pose, catch stretch, sun salutation .
Kapal Bhati (skull shining breathing technique), Nadi Shodhanam (alternate
breathing technique), Bhastrika and Ujjayi breathing.
An excellent, simple book
on how to do these pranayamas is Yoga Breathing pranayama made easy……
By Scott Shaw
Add a few drops of your favorite Young Living Essential Oil to your wrist before you
begin the pranayama’s.
Young Living has supplements that may help support your endocrine system.
NingXia Red – The best anti-oxidant you will find. Support full-body health with
therapeutic grade essential oils.
Thyromin – It is like an organic herbal. It has herbs, minerals, amino acids,
glandular nutrient and essential oils.
OmegaGize – Combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega
fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10, and added essential oils.
Life 5 – High potency probiotic that builds and restores core intestinal health.
Two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health, sustain energy and
improve immunity.
Master Formula –
Super B – eight essential and energy boosting B vitamins. Assists mood support.
Super C – 2,166% recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving, and
fortified with rutin, citrus bioflavoids and minerals to balance electrolytes and
enhance the effectiveness and absorption of vitamin C.
FemiGen – for hormone balance. Take 2 capsules in the morning.
Endoflex – may help support and balance the endocrine system.
It is uplifting and energizing.
Application: 2-3 drops 2 times a day on throat, around big toe, wrist, tailbone and
Or apply directly to the body at the locations of the adrenals and kidneys,
on the throat and on your back above the kidneys.
Or 4-5 drops in a gelatin capsule. (Always finish off the capsule by filling it with
olive oil the rest of the way.)
*Myrtle – supportive of skin, hair, and glandular imbalances and endocrine system.
It is a powerful antioxidant.
Application: Apply to arches of feet.
*Lavender, Peace and Calming, and/or Stress Away – to reduce stress and to help
Application: Diffuse. Apply to bottom of feet.
A few drops of Lavender in a capsule will help relax. Fill the remaining capsule with organic olive oil.
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